FAQs, Tips and Examples
If you have a relatively general how-to or similar question that you don't see an existing answer for, feel free to post the question in the Q&A forum (or start a new support request). For questions about more complex needs or error messages, please start a new support request.
- Import Excel data more easily and accurately
- Setting up CRSP Stock Data for Eventus in Windows
- Out of memory
- CUSIP: 6, 8 or 9 characters?
- Copy displayed results to Word
- Eventus on WRDS through PC SAS
- Merging output by multiple variables
- Why the estimation period matters even with MAR
- Fama-French (Calendar Time) Individual Firm CARs
- Using a different estimation period for each firm
- How to augment Fama-French calendar time regression with custom factors?
- When will Eventus data be updated?
- Comparing CARs between samples
- False SAS expiration notice
- Negative volume in a volume event study